Thursday, April 29, 2010

Shoplifter made the dying swan

Cologne - The police had known him when, on Tuesday afternoon in a supermarket in Junkersdorf met a shoplifter (29). Because: He is polizeibekannt.
As one of the officials of the thieves then said that he was temporarily detained, the man had an epiphany: "If you want to take me, I'm playing the dying swan!"
No sooner said than done! When the officers wanted to take him, he made violent riots. The result: Pepper spray was used. In the patrol car then we went further.
The thieves simulated a 1-A-attack. Was still on the safe side of an ambulance, examined the amateur actor who had theatrically dropped him.
Verdict of the physician: All played no danger. And in the custody of the man can too. And when he came down also. Now he must explain himself before the prison court.