Saturday, April 17, 2010

Large Calls: Get rid of these suits! Deletes the records!

Cologne / Rome - Power jumps within a few months to six seconds.
Athletes who have little time to warm to swim because they have to squeeze 45 minutes in their suits. And then they go off like 'to' ner air mattress. "
At the swimming World Championships in Rome, the suit experienced madness its next peak. The previously known only to insiders, Paul Biedermann (23/Halle), swam about 400 meters to the world record.
He put out the record about the Australian swimmer Ian Thorpe in the year 2002. Biedermann's talent, but nobody talks about - only about his suit.
Swimming legend Michael "Albatross" Gross, the whole discussion is too crass. He is worried about his swimming, eventually he became 25 years ago in Los Angeles, Olympic champion in a classic swimsuit.
But now is swimming more: A battle of material. Will be discussed on neoprene shorts, swimsuit and fins profiles in the shoulder area.
The Albatross asks: "Away with these suits! Deletes the records! Otherwise, swimming is still broken. For the sport alive from the fact that he is a purist. It's just basic that swimmers have to manage without technical frippery. Only humans and water.
The skiing is quite different as you need skis, equipment and high tech. If this were to go now swimming with the suits so on, would indeed be in an endless spiral of developments. Then would soon cost $ 10,000 a suit. "
The World Federation FINA is already thinking about it, go next year, a few steps back. Means more than men in cycling shorts, women's suits have to be strapless. Large: "Then, all now established world records need to be bagged. Otherwise, would stand there for generations, times that are unattainable. That would be absurd. "
Some critics, however, suggest that swimming world records are without clothes. The reason for doping. Large from incites: "The swimmers will be slower. You can see in experiments, that an athlete with a suit two seconds over 100 meters faster than without the suit. "
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