Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Michelle Hunziker: This man makes me weak

Hamburg --
Dare you, men, ran to the mouse and bacon! TV Sonnenscheinchen tells Michelle Hunziker (32) now in the new "Gala" as a man can conquer her heart.
The sexy blonde joke: "When you're 32, it is not so picky."
But what a man should bring back already: humor and charm. "I love it when I was making the yard and I regret that that has gone largely lost today."
She wanted to be conquered. Michelle To win, you need to put a man somewhat neatly into the stuff: "I love romantic letters, flowers, little surprises. Things that will not cost much. "
Even a spontaneous call from the dedicated admirer of the beautiful Swiss woman impressed. Following the motto: "I stand before your door, you come with a coffee?"
Work, have a child, pause for one year and get married - in fact she was a woman who likes those traditional values. "I'm waiting for a man says:" Honey, rest it for another year. I work, we now have a child. ""
You need a man who wants to be a man and organizing things for them. As a (hark, hark) Thomas Gottschalk (59). "He's a good man. He has a big heart that is caring, "says Michelle. "He is happy with his Thea and does everything for them. I'm not in love with him, but for me Thomas was a man, the man should marry! "