Thursday, March 4, 2010

Frechen Fortunen on lion-hunting

The first World Cup Stadium has already stormed Fortuna weeks ago.
After the victory at Kaiserslautern on Sunday will now believe a very large boiler turn.
Norbert Meier's team takes full confidence in the Allianz Arena, will be ranschieben with another three still closer to the top.
The general consensus: We board the boat!
Two Fortunen are even correct "Arena hacks: Moritz Volz had been there 73 minutes on the pitch, Jens Langeneke All three - two for a 0-0 draw against Ahlen lions.
"When we played there was not much happening. For the lions, there was a chorus of whistles. If our fans make a lot of alarms that are intended to hear the good, "says Moritz Volz on the return. "We need not force us to hide in this league, we have proved. From such highlights as the Allianz Arena, we could previously only dream about. Since everyone is top-motivated. "
Especially since the table with a victory in any case, even looked rosy: The other four teams of the top quintet take this weekend off each other's points. Rani: "We are now, when the top teams like that."
Fortuna actually captures the raft? Defense Chief Langeneke remains as cool: "I am not interested in what a stadium it. We go to every away game so that we want to win. We're alright. And if we play well, we have a good chance to get something. "
Flips the Dusseldorf pirate attack, is also managing director Paul Hunter rubbing his hands. Because for the top match against Torino on Sunday more than 16,000 tickets are gone. How many were there at that time not even before the ascension showdown. And was sold out ...
Max in the gate of the Zwote
Hinrunden-Off for Christ
Photo: Hesse
"I've talked to Max, he has assured me that he has nothing to do. I believe him, "commented Norbert Meier on Friday, the fact that were interrogated with Ben Abelski and Maximilian Schulze Niehues on Thursday, two Fortunen by the police in terms of betting scandal.
Since 2 Match rotate and violation of Michael Melka Schulze Niehues and Patrick Nettekoven as a reserve goalkeeper in Meier's Eleven. "Actually, Max would be by rotation in Munich 2 Keeper was, but now we prefer to take Nettekoven.
This is not just for the psyche of the boy. But we stand fully behind our players. There is no prejudice. Also from the Osnabrück players I've heard nothing for a week. I'm curious about what happens if it turns out that they are innocent. "
Schulze Niehues today for the Fortuna II in Leverkusen in goal. Also Abelski is, even if only as a spectator. Ilya Ludenberg team manager: "He will sit as a moral support to the bank. Ben can play because of a meniscus injury, unfortunately not. "
Ascent hero crucial goal scorer, Fortuna-hand drive: Marco Christian has a great year 2009 behind him. To stop it is only by injury - unfortunately it is now your turn again.
"The MRI showed that when Marco Christ have a partial ligament tear in there," coach Norbert Meier on Friday sent the sad news.
"How long he thus fails, we must see that he is not available until further notice. The last time he had been missing in the same knee injury at the other five and a half weeks. "
This makes it virtually certain that the first round has been running for a Christian. It was passed on Thursday in practice, as the midfield ace with Jojo was zusammengerasselt van den Bergh.
Meier: "Marco is now the diagnoses are almost even so, he called immediately shit."